New owners take over local vineyard

NEW HAVEN — Spring is a season associated with new beginnings, and that’s certainly been the case this year at Lincoln Peak Vineyard, where new owners Nichole Bambacigno and Kevin Bednar are settling in and readying to welcome wine enthusiasts from far and wide.

The pair purchased the New Haven vineyard, winery and tasting room from Shelburne Vineyard last month and bring to the business over a decade’s worth of experience at vineyards across the globe.

The seasoned winemakers said they’re excited about this next chapter and seeing what opportunities lie in store for Lincoln Peak.

“We’re winemakers and viticulturists first, so we’re really excited to get a season under our belts and see how this vineyard presents itself and to see the sorts of wines that this vineyard wants to make,” Bambacigno said.

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Owners Kevin & Nichole in the Lincoln Peak Tasting room